Effect of the addition of synthetic fuel on the selected physico-chemical properties of the fuel for the diesel engines
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Motor Transport Institute.
Publication date: 2017-11-01
Combustion Engines 2017,171(4), 193-195
Plastics present a major threat to todays society and environment. Though mankind has awoken to this threat and responded with developments in creating degradable bio plastics, there is still no conclusive effort done to repair the damage already caused. In this regard, the catalytic depolymerization studied here presents an efficient, clean and very effective means of removing the debris that we have left behind over the last several decades. By converting plastics to fuel, we solve two issues, one of the large plastic seas, and the other of the fuel shortage. This dual benefit, though will exist only as long as the waste plastics last, but will surely provide a strong platform for us to build on a sustainable, clean and green future. The paper presents results of density, viscosity, cetane number, ignition temperature of 100% synthetic fuel and this fuels mixture with the diesel oil. The quality of the fuel-air mixture formation is best characterized by the SMD parameter – Sauters average diameter of spray drops, and its value in analytical studies depends on the physical parameters of the fuel (density, viscosity, surface tension). The results of laboratory tests will be developed in terms of the use of the measured parameters of a synthetic fuel mixture to calculate SMD values and to correct analytical equations taking into account the actual SMD values measured by laser diffraction laboratory tests.
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