Experimental test stand for development of an opposed-piston engine and initial results
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Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering at Warsaw University of Technology.
Publication date: 2017-05-01
Combustion Engines 2017,169(2), 76-82
The article presents the reason for developing a 0D predictive and diagnostic model for opposed-piston (OP) engines. Firstly, a description of OP engines, together with their most important advantages and challenges are given together with current research work. Secondly, a PAMAR-4 engine characteristic is presented. After that the proposed 0D predictive model is described and compared with the commercially availible software. Test stand with most important sensors and solutions are presented. After that the custom Engine Control Unit software is characterized together with a 0D diagnostic model. Next part discusses specific challenges that still have to be solved. After that the preliminary test bed results are presented and compared to the 0D simulations. Finally, the summary together with possible future improvement of both 0D predictive model and test bed capabilities are given.
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