The influence of particulate contamination in diesel fuel on the damage to fuel injection systems
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INIG-PIB, Oil & Gas Institute – National Research Institute in Krakow.
Publication date: 2019-05-01
Combustion Engines 2019,177(2), 76-82
The impact of various size particulate contamination on the process of accelerated wear followed by damage to the fuel injection sys-tem has been studied in long-term tests on an engine test stand. Also processes of tribological wear of working components of fuel injec-tors and of high pressure pumps material has been characterised. Measurement results of particulate contamination in diesel fuels available on the Polish market have been presented, referred to requirements of the PN-EN590 standard and of the Worldwide Fuel Charter. In the summary attention has been drawn to the growing problem of particulate contamination in fuels available on the market, and in particular their threat to durability and proper operation of increasingly complex and precisely manufactured HPCR type fuel injection systems.
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