Engine manufacturing industry in Poland
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Publication date: 2005-07-01
Combustion Engines 2005,122(3), 12-21
Poland, with its continuously growing engine production – currently exceeding 2 mn units per annum – is becoming a distinguishing engine manufacturer on a world scale. The article, along with a short historical note, characterizes the engine manufacturing industry in Poland. The production profiles have been presented of both, international concerns with their mass production and more specialized Polish plants. The analysis of engine production unveiled the fact that sizeable investment projects have been realized recently in the territory of Poland by several leading engine manufacturers. Such a fact directly influences the growth and improvement of the Polish engine manufacturing industry, not to mention the increase in Poland’s export. Owing to the said changes, combustion engines are on top of the list of Polish export sales. The here presented characteristics of Polish engine production also includes short descriptions of Polish university centers and R&D centers focused on didactics and scientific research in the field. At the end of the paper the author sheds some light on the mission of Polish Scientific Society of Combustions Engines (PTNSS) in the dynamically developing engine manufacturing industry in Poland.
Issues in the conservation and restoration of powertrains as engineering art monuments
Łukasz Rymaniak, Franciszek Ratajczyk, Natalia Szymlet, Filip Woźniak
Combustion Engines
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