Inventory of pollutant emission from motor vehicles in Poland using the COPERT 5 software
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Institute of Environmental Protection – National Research Institute in Warsaw.
Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology.
Publication date: 2019-07-01
Combustion Engines 2019,178(3), 150-154
This article presents results of the inventory of pollutant emission from motor vehicles in Poland. To determine emission from motor vehicles in Poland COPERT 5 software was used for the first time. In addition, a comparison of the national emission from motor vehi-cles in 2016 and in 2015 was included. Pollutants harmful to health were considered primarily: carbon monoxide, organic compounds, nitrogen oxides and particulate matter. Emission of substances contributing to the intensification of the greenhouse effect were also examined: carbon dioxide, ammonia and nitrous oxide. It was found that the relative increase in volume of emission of carbon monoxide and non-methane volatile organic compounds is less than 10%, and nitrogen oxides and particulate matter less than 15%. The relative increase in carbon dioxide emission is approximately 14%, which corresponds to a relative increase in fuel consumption. The relative increase of volume of heavy metal emission is similar. The assessment of the energy emission factor (emission of pollution related to energy equal to used fuel) proves that – amongst pollutants harmful to health – for carbon monoxide and non-methane volatile organic compounds there is a relative reduction by approximately 5% in 2016, and for nitrogen oxides and particulate matter – increase by approximately (3–4)%.
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COPERT Training 5. COPERT 5 vs COPERT 4. European Environment Agency. 2016. (2019-02-06).
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