Comparative tests of a passenger car with compression ignition engine on chassis dynamometer during NEDC and WLTC tests and during RDE road test
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Motor Transport Institute
Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology.
Publication date: 2019-07-01
Combustion Engines 2019,178(3), 228-234
Air pollution is a challenge for municipal authorities. Increased emission of PM10 and PM 2.5 particles is particularly noticeable in Poland primarily the autumn and winter period. That is due to the start of the heating season. According to the above data, road transport accounted for approximately 5% of the creation of PM10 particles, ca. 7% of PM2.5 and approximately 32% for NOx. In Poland, suspended particles (PM10 and PM2.5) cause deaths of as many as 45,000 people a year. The issue of smog also affects other European cities. Therefore, it is necessary to undertake concrete efforts in order to reduce vehicle exhaust emissions as much as possible. It is therefore justifiable to reduce the emission of exhaust pollution, particularly NOx, PM, PN by conventional passenger cars powered by compression ignition engines. Emissions by these passenger cars have been reduced systematically. Comparative tests of the above emission of exhaust pollution were conducted on chassis dynamometer of such passenger car in NEDC cycle and in the new WLTC cycle in order to verify the level of emissions from this type of passenger car. Measurements of fuel consumption by that car were also taken. Emission of exhaust pollution and fuel consumption of the this car were also taken in the RDE road test.
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