Integrated cylinder pressure measurement for gas engine control
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Publication date: 2011-11-01
Combustion Engines 2011,146(3), 16-23
Closed loop control based on cylinder pressure measurement has been investigated for over 20 years. The aim has been to improve combustion control and online engine diagnostics. However the price of cylinder pressure sensors and the high demands on processor capacity have been preventing the development. Lately however sensor technologies have improved and as a result costs have been reduced. The purpose of this work is to show the large amount of information that can be read out from the cylinder pressure curve and to evaluate a cylinder pressure based closed loop engine control.
Modeling of thermodynamic processes in internal combustion engine cylinder during cranking in compression measurement tests
Alexander Eduard Khrulev, Oleksii Victorovich Saraiev, Iryna Yuryevna Saraieva, Oleksandr Mykolayovych Vorobiov
Combustion Engines
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