Experimental research of two stroke aircraft diesel engine
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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Lublin University of Technology
Publication date: 2019-10-01
Combustion Engines 2019,179(4), 75-79
This paper presents the results of experimental studies of the opposed-piston diesel engine. This engine was designed during one of the stages of the research on a new-type drive unit for gyrocopter applications. In order to conduct research, a special test stand as well as control and measurement systems were developed. As part of the work on the engine, the fuel injection system, engine temperature control system and measurement systems were designed. In addition, a computer program has been developed for the fuel injection system control (injectors, valves fuel pressure regulators). The paper presents the results of the preliminary tests for a single value of engine speed (1500 rpm) and three values of load defined by torque. The measured value of the indicated pressure made it possible to calculate the maximum pressure. The results obtained from the bench tests were analyzed.
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Outline of history and comparative analysis of internal combustion engines for flying models
Jakub Pełczyński
Combustion Engines
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