Keyword internal combustion engine
Diagnostic and reliability model of an internal combustion engine
Combustion Engines 2020,180(1), 41-46
Citations: 3
Downloads: 131
Views: 272
DME as alternative fuel for compression ignition engines – a review
Combustion Engines 2019,177(2), 172-179
Citations: 22
Downloads: 169
Views: 427
Modelling of the thermal cycle of a gas engine using AVL FIRE Software
Combustion Engines 2010,141(2), 105-113
Citations: 2
Downloads: 42
Views: 112
A model of the IC engine in the form of the bond graph (BG)
Combustion Engines 2004,119(2), 40-47
Citations: 2
Downloads: 57
Views: 125